Apr 232016

And I’m getting edgy again.  Yes it is irrational. But I can understand why people crack and do irrational things.

I’m finding eating difficult again. It took me three goes to finish my tea, and it was mince and veg, which I’d been eating well. So I had one of the vitamin and health drinks. Not sure if it helps or not.

Some of you may remember I was informed last week I had changed my mind on getting a new gas fire to replace the old open grate.

It came today.  And it does look very nice, and performs well, 89% efficient. I’m wondering now if I can get away with claiming the credit for the decision, or would it be bad for my health.

I don’t know what else to say. I just feel very low today, and I have no idea why.

Maybe I should just go to bed and see if the morning looks any better.


 Posted by at 12:32 am

  2 Responses to “5 days to chemo”

  1. Without the rain, we’d never appreciate the sunshine. Keep on!

  2. Yes it would be bad for your health
    No more low days are allowed as we are going to beat this monster.

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