Sep 132016

I think I’ve done with withdrawal, and it went better than expected. The last Oxycodone was late Friday evening.

By midnight Saturday I had a stinking headache, which lasted till about 10:00 Sunday.  Then it cleared, so I decided to go to church.

That was probably a mistake, halfway through I got the shakes.  That lasted till about 4pm, shakes, feeling cold, unable to sit still, then it cleared.

The last stage was inablity to sleep Saturday night.  I think I’m clear now, but I wish I was sure.

On the whole I got away lightly. It helped that I had cut down so far, to 5mg/day, but I did not enjoy it.

On the other hand:

  • Suddenly I’ve got my appetite back, I’m actually hungry, and no nausea!
  • My stomach is working far better (no details please)
  • I have much more energy, I walked to the end of the street and back, without even my crutches.

Let’s see what happens next.

 Posted by at 12:48 am

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