Sep 162016

Saw the doctor today in Dept 42, very helpful.  N2 son, the Chemist, came along to give me technical backup, which was very useful.   (This post has been updated)

We got there early, to let them take blood samples, then crashed out in the conservatory for a hour, until it was our turn.

The doctor gave me a good checkup and pronounced me fit and strong. The next chemo starts Wed 28 Sep.  I had hoped for next week, but 13 days is acceptable.  The treatment is the same as before, 3 cycles of 3 weeks with a checkup visit during week 2.

I asked her about the 20% to 40% survival rate, she said my chances could well be better.  I can expect regular scans, in case the chemo did not kill all the cancer, and I must watch for loss of appetite, loss of energy, loss of weigh, etc.

In other words, Dum vivimus vivamus, whilst we live, let us live.   Sounds reasonable to me, and it’s from a respected 18th cent preacher and anti-slavery campaigner, no less!  Pity I’ve never heard of him, but I have now.

Weight 77.2 Kg.

So now I wait 13 days. We are planning some days out!  (Short List: Errwood Hall and Pensarn / Abergele )

Also we were given a card to go to Maggies Place, it’s a very pleasant building (by Sir Norman Foster) and < 5 mins walk from Dept 42.  It’s a sort of refuge for cancer patients with decent tea, coffee and even their own veg for free (we got some Brussels Tops).   Very well laid out and I intend to go back next time I’ve got 2 hr to spare while they do my bloods.  Recommended!


 Posted by at 12:38 am

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