Oct 102016

My brother-in-law and his wife came to visit, for a few days, which was very pleasant.  For their last eveing they said they would like to take us out for a meal.

I’d not intended to try anything like that until after the chemo.  After all I’m still having stomach problems,m which I am attempting to resolve with All-Bran (that the polite way to express it).

My capacity is limited as well, I only have less than half my stomach left, but I didn’t want to disappoint them, so I accepted the challenge.

We went to the Reddish Oriental Buffet (That’s an advert – because they deserve it.  Good food, pleasant staff and a very good price), and I took my time and paced myself.

I had

  • Spare rib
  • Chicken Ball
  • Onion ring in batter
  • spring roll
  • sesame bread
  • seaweed
  • honeyroast pork
  • beef with black bean sauce
  • soft noodles (twice)
  • icecream
  • mixed fruit
  • Plus I think there was something else but I’ve forgotten what it was.

And I wasn’t sick, I didn’t suffer anything more than slight discomfort (lasting about 20 mins)

And in the morning I felt great, and I won’t need any more All-Bran either.


 Posted by at 12:39 am

  One Response to “The Chinese Buffet”

  1. Brilliant !! PTL !

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