My brother-in-law and his wife came to visit, for a few days, which was very pleasant. For their last eveing they said they would like to take us out for a meal. Continue reading »
This should have been posted in at least 2 separate posts, but things happened! Continue reading »
Well I’m trying to find a euphemism for constipation, and it’s not easy. It’s been 5 days now (hence the mention of All-Bran cake in the last post) . Continue reading »
I thought I was going to have a another bad day today. I had some of my wife’s all-bran cake for second breakfast (One slice keeps you going all day).
It is normally fine, but this time I started to feel quite bad. Continue reading »
I’m back from the chemo, at last. No major problems, just lots of niggles and small delays. The worst bit was when I started to feel a bit spaced out and weird. Continue reading »
To quote Richard Wilson, I don’t believe it. First let me make clear I have no complaint with the staff at The Christie. They deserve praise for sorting this mess these messes out. Continue reading »
In 8 hours time I start the second chemo. According to the medics, finishing this course is one of the biggest indicat0rs of who gets to live. Most don’t finish the course. Continue reading »
I’ve had three days of headaches. They did not respond to my normal migraine treatment, and left me feeling miserable.
Today’s started at 8am. I got downstairs feeling ghastly, an swapped my normal first breakfast of bacon and 2 sausage for one bacon in a bacon butty.
It stayed bad all day, despite paracetamol, until I was sick about 4pm on an empty stomach. After that it all cleared up, and I now feel pretty good.
The best guess is that the antibiotic I have been taking for an infected finger has “headaches” listed under common side effects. Today was the last tablet, so we will see what happens tomorrow.
Meanwhile, since Beryl’s post I have walked around the block and eaten 2 helpings of an excellent stir-fry.
But I too am weary of this long story of niggles, setbacks, worries. There is 9 weeks 2 days to go, and then on the last day of November I will take my last tablet.
On the first of December I will celebrate.
I am wrriting this as Malcolm is not well enough. He has constant headaches and is not eating as much as he should. As Chemo starts on Wed this is worrying for me. He had been doing well and we have spent several days out but no sooner does he improve then the wretched disease takes over again or the side effects of the many pills he has been popping. One tablet for example means he can’t take his blood pressure tablets and so his BP is too high and high BP means headaches that he cannot cope with. You cant win. I feel really frustrated now and feel Wed onwards will be bad. I am also getting very impatient with Malcolm and accusing him of giving in and not working through these symptoms and at least trying to eat which is wrong of me I know. Depression is not a good thng for a carer either so I need to be stronger than ever and it is getting harder for me now as well. I am so glad I have God with me to talk to as I do not think I could cope anymore without faith. Sorry this is so depressing but living with illness makes you that way sometimes and I am being honest here not holier than thou.
I still don’t believe it, but I’ve been ill today. Let me explain:
From the start I’ve been measuring my weight on our old scales. They are about 30 years old and subject to both Einstein and Heisenberg. Continue reading »