On the bad days, and there were a lot of them, I still tried to do a post. But some of the worst days were in the hospital where I coud not get online, and those times were bad. So I’ll go back and try to fill some of those in now. Continue reading »
This should have been a long blog, full of stuff about dealing with pain and fear (or not dealing with it).
I promised a blog post about the darker days in the MRI, but this happened first, … Continue reading »
We’ve got the dates now for the next lot of appointments. Wednesday this week we see the local nurse to have the stomach tube checked out, and then in the afternoon we see the surgeon at the MRI for a full report back on the histology report. The Christie appointment comes 3 weeks later when we go to the notorious Room 42 for the outpatients. The second round of chemo will probably start a week or so later. Continue reading »
One of the details I’ve not mentioned is the feeding tube they’ve put into my small intestine. Continue reading »
The last few posts have been rather serious, so I felt a change might be in order. Continue reading »
Well I’m back again. Hopefully for the last time. And I’ve had the results of the histology – mixed! Continue reading »
Still in hospital with the same problem. Test results soon but Malcolm will be in for a while yet. Eating OK and he is in the right place for now. Staff are lovely. These nurses never seem to have a break.
But Malcolm is grumpy as there seems no end to this at present. Continue reading »
These are Malcolm’s dictated words.
I spent the night nil by mouth on a drip, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t move, bored. That was hard. But it paid off. I had food today which was a pleasure to eat and hopefully I am home tomorrow evening. All is clear.
I met a nurse who turned out to be an ex Sunday School pupil of mine from 30 years ago and she remembered me. What a small world. Continue reading »
4.00 am today Malcolm was re-admitted to a surgical ward as he was in such pain. Many tests later he is being kept in to see where and what the infection is and nil by mouth. He is back to the drip feeds as well. He is a little better especially as his cancer nurse reassured him he was actually doing fine and all this was to be expected after the surgery he had. Also his heart rate is speedy and they put this down to the pneumomia he had last week. It is amazing what you find out if you wait long enough. No wonder he is very tired. No one had told me this. Continue reading »