Sep 112016

Today is not going to be a good day. I’m typing this in my office, where I’m trying to sleep propped up between 2 chairs.

Last week I noticed a slight huskiness in my breathing, so I went to the GP.  He found an infection, in my good lung surprisingly, and prescribed Clarithromycin. Fair enough – until Friday night we checked and found it interacts with Oxycodone, and it is not recommended to take both.  Too late to contact my GP, so what do I do, which do I drop. We talked to a pharmacist and to the NHS help line, but in the end it is my decision.

So I’ve decided that since I’m coming off Oxycodone anyway in a few days (I’m now down to 5mg/day from 40mg/day), I’m coming off as of now.

Well actually that was as of Friday night, just before midnight. Last time cold turkey kicked in about 48 hours after the last shot.  Hopefully it should be much reduced, because I’ve been on such a low dose, but you do not know. The best result is a sort of Tepid Turkey, feeling lousy for a few hours. The worst is described here ( ) and here ( )

This time the headache started Saturday night late.  It’s not a migraine, Sumatriptan did not touch it. Paracetamol helps a bit, but I feel lousy.  Lying down makes it worse, so I’m resting propped up between two chairs.  I doubt I’m going to make church today, but I’ll ask SheWhoMustBeObeyed to pass the massage on, and ask them to pray for me.


 Posted by at 8:35 am

  2 Responses to “Tepid Turkey”

  1. ” how do you pass on a massage?”
    Simple, the masseuse says “do you want a massage?”
    You say, “no thanks, I’ll pass.”

  2. We are still praying for you. We were away for a couple of weeks at Criccieth in North Wales and only home for about a week before going away for three days to Amsterdam. Consequently, we have not been reading the blog; I have just been catching up. Obeyed was 70 this year – she is in her 70s and I am still in my 60s! The present she got and for being married to me for 25 years was this trip to Amsterdam. We saw Vincent Van Gogh in a bar and I asked him if he would like a beer. He said, “No thanks, I’ve got one here.” The only was I know to cheer people up is one of my jokes.
    We prayed for you tonight in our church prayer meeting. God bless. Incidentally, how do you pass on a massage?

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