Oct 072016

This should have been posted in at least 2 separate posts, but things happened!

The last straw was the PC freezing up just before I was due to press the Publish button.

So here’s a placeholder for tonight and I’ll finish the job in the morning.


There should have been 2 posts here, one bad, one good. but I never got a chance to post the first one.

The worst time for the chemo s about 4-6 days after the treatment. That’s when all the red and white blood cells die off and you have no resistance to bugs and not enough oxygen being carried in the blood.

On the first chemo this ended up with me in bed moaning gently for several days, and unable to eat anything.

This chemo was much better. True I still felt very bad. By Day 4 Food was disgusting to look at (but surprisingly good to taste once in my mouth) Day 5 was the same. I could do a few things, but after any effort I just ended up collapsing onto my bed – hence no posts.

Day 6 I had to see the cancer nurse, which I managed to do. She gave me the motivational lecture on the need to eat and keep up my weight, or they would have to take me off the chemo. She’s right to give the warning, but in fairness I’m still just under 75Kg , depending whose scales I am using. I’ve met people on 45 Kg who are just starting chemo. So I think my danger is not quite as immenant.

I’m not going to argue, it’s not worth it. Anyway last time the nausea suddenly broke and I started eating again. And I was so tired all I wanted was my bed (hence the lack of a post).

But Day 7 came, and my nausea is disappearing. I’ve got more energy and my appetite is much better. So now I am feeling happier.

We had relatives arrived today. They looked surprised to see me up and about, and doing things. They’d expected to see me practically in a wheelchair.

Even better, my appetite came back, really well, and I ate a good dinner, with pudding as well (not done that in months).   And I did not feel bloated or uncomfortable. OK there is still a distortion on my taste. I know how the food should have tasted, and I really do regret missing all the taste that I know must be there. But I’m eating! YES.







 Posted by at 12:46 am

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