Jan 082017

Okay as promised here is the information for the Funeral.

Date Friday 27th Jan 2017

Funeral Service @ 2pm at Levenshulme Baptist Church

Elmsworth Avenue, Levenshulme, Manchester, M19 3NS

There will be tea and coffee served after the service for people not going onto the crematorium.


Crematorium Service @ 3:30 at Stockport Crematorium

Buxton Road, Heaviley, Stockport SK2 6LS


Celebration Buffet and Open Mike @ 4pm till 8 pm at St Marys Church Hall

Elbow Street Levenshulme, Manchester M19 3PY

Drinks can be purchased during the evening



The roads are not great for parking in Levenshulme and we need to ensure there is room for the Family and the hearse (a big white camper van) to park so please do not park at the Baptist church.

The best place to park is at St Marys Church which has its own car park; you will then have to walk to the service at the church (directions found here –> funeral-directions )

(you can try the side streets around the church but you have been warned)

If you are only coming for the funeral service then you can park across the road at the Sidings pub.

Broom Lane, Manchester M19 2UB


If you need directions to any of the celebration events then contact Euan Cowen

0161 947 9253


and he can give you more detail.


Jan 032017

Malcolm’s funeral and celebration will be Friday Jan 27th at 2.00p.m at Levenshulme Baptist Church, Elmsworth Avenue. 2.00p.m. Followed by a cup of tea before the meal.

There will be a short service at  Stockport Crem 3.30 and then a celebration of his life and meal at St Mary’s Church Hall, Elbow street levesnhulme at 4.00 p.m. At this event there will be an open mike opportunity to talk about your memories of Malcolm (funny as well as  serious) and there will also be some entertainment as requsted by Malcolm. There will also be a group of our African friends dancing for him. It wll be the send off he wanted so lets make it a day to remember so NO SADNESS, NO BLACK CLOTHES, NO TIES, NO SUITS (although scruffy jumpers are a must – espeically with a pen hanging from the neck) and  if you have sandels wear them and we will drink his health in tea. ( a bar is also available ).

If you intend to come to the celebration at St Marys then please let me know for the caterers (also if you have any dietry requirements – although lets face it you can’t be any fussier than Malcom was)

More information regarding the venues (including maps and postcodes – and parking) will be on this blog (and on a friendly facebook page) by the end of this week.

 Posted by at 12:42 pm
Dec 242016

I am a fraid to say that today Malcolm lost  his battle with cancer. He passed away at 1.35 this afternoon.

The family had been with him since 10 p.m. last night and it was lovely to reminice with him and play some of his own songs and also to play The Moldau by Smetna his favouiritre piece of music.

He was a wonderful  honest gentleman whom I married 47 years ago. Neither of us had any regrets and he died a completely  fulfilled man ready to meet  with God.

I will write one more blog after Chrsitmas to let you know dates and times of his funeral and celebration service.

Safe in the  arms of Jesus. As our eldest son said  he is now a foot taller with no scoliosis or cancer or arthritis.  Goodnight my love.



Dec 222016

Tomorrow will be busy.

7 00 clock to X ray to drink radio opaque stuff. (He will glow in the dark)

10 oclock Sonar to put chest drains into  both lungs as I have fluid on them

3 00 o clock toX ray stent in so I can eat again.

If fluid in lungs is clear and if I can eat then I can have  chemo and have a chance of life,ifnot ………..

This is all  beause last night I had really  bad arthritis pain and and also trouble breathing which left me very weak and unable to stand up.That has Improved during the day at I am glad to say.

If a group from theNational Union of Teachers hired the lobby of the Midland Hotel to put on a chess exhibition would it be

chessNUTS hosting in a hotel foyer.




a lobb




Dec 212016

First of all a message from Malcolm

The hair has grown longer and stragglier so now I have to reluctantly say it looks good. Some peope even say I am a punk Peter Capaldi.

We heard today he is to have a stent fitted in his abdomen  onFriday. If this works he has a chance and could even  come home soon. But not for Christmas so we shall divide Christmas between eating at home and seeing Malcolm. His ward will be strewn with paper as we re going to take our presents  with us to open together.   If it does not  work ————-

Still on a drip poor love but came off oxyen today to see if he needs it.  He had 12 visitors yesterday and  3 more today. One came  a 3 hour drive to see him and stayed all day. The staff are amazed  how popular he is.

I trace the  rainbow through the rain.

Dec 172016

This afternoon 5 of our 7 grandchildren came to see Malcolm in the conservatory at Christies.  It was a noisy hour  and Malcolm loved it. Our 4 year old played doctors with her medical kit and the 5 year old was the nurse. They soon made  their taid better. Our 7 year old played  the ukulele and the baby was adorable. Our 19 year old was chatty and happy to be with us. It was lovely.  Lots of  photos were taken  and he had his 3 sons there too. It was poignant when  Malcolm had to return to the ward and a few tears were shed. You must never hide the truth from children but you can make it bearable.

Malcolm seems a lot better to day. Painfree and able to go to  the toilet. He is hungry but has another day on the drip only. We wait for Monday.

And so to bed.

Dec 172016

Tiredness has kept me away from the blog lately. 7 hours visiting a day even not always talking but reading or doing cross words can be tiring. Especially as  I appear to have ricked my neck and am in pain myself at present. Any way enough of me.

News re Malcolm is still a rollercoaster as we are given conflicting reports re diagnonosis and treatment. Today he was put on 48 hours nil by mouth  and is on  a hydration drip to rest his digestive sysytem.  I helped him wash today and change his clothes and he had 8 other visitors today which was lovely and he cheered up quite a lot . 2 of our visitors came in dressed in red shiny  wigs which were amazing and gave way to a lot of hilarity. Quite confused the ward and staff as well.  Great fun. Why be sad all the time.  Lets laugh. We did.

He is now very tired and so this evening he slept most of visiting time  and I did crosswords. I like  word puzzles but not the cryptic ones. I am not that clever.

Any way we wait now until Monday when he gets looked at again. Tomorrow is a special day. All our grand kids are coming to the hospital for a special visit and photo with Taid  in the conservatory at Chrsities.  It is the right time to see him. Afterwards he will need to sleep again I am sure. But it will be worth it.

And so to bed.

Dec 132016

I am sorry to say this new  fight is a losing battle for Malcolm. The cancer is in the stomach lining and cannot be treated. The consultant said if he was strong enough they would consider chemo after Jan but that gives him a year. Without chemo need I say more.

Yesterday he was spaced out on morphine and  annti nausea tablets and antibiotics and he was falling and unable to  eat . He did not know where he was and was confused. We  were worried. Today on the phone he sounded more with it but that was before they gave him pain relief.

Our family have been great. Engineer son spent 2 days at hospital with me and the others were on the phone almost hourly.

On a lighter note as visiting times are restricted on his new ward I went to a panto rehearsal. One of the songs I have to sing is “I want to be Happy” There’s irony for you. But I felt better for being there. Life goes on.  It must.


More later.

Dec 112016

We got a call to go to Chrsities today as Malcolm’s pain very bad and the hospital wanted him in. He was admitted this morning and this afternoon the doctor told us there was a problem with his stomach lining. We wait for the full results tomorrow but it is not looking good. More tears and fears today.  He is now back on drips, nil by mouth and laxitives.  More scans tomorow and more tests. And we wait.

A line from  a song is keeping me going tonight as I try to sleep after many  sleepless nights.” Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.”  That is all I have left. Hope.

More  tomorow.